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Eastern Hills Rod, Gun, & Conservation Club

Youth 4H shooting Sports

Youth 4H Shooting Sports - News

Let your son or daughter discover the exciting world of shooting sports with 4-H! Our website is your go-to resource for all things related to shooting sports within the 4-H program. Whether you're new to shooting or an experienced marksman, our 4H instructors offer information on various disciplines, safety guidelines, stay tuned for upcoming events, and how to get involved in local clubs. Join us in promoting safe and responsible shooting practices while experiencing the thrill of competition and camaraderie. Get ready to aim, shoot, and excel with 4-H Shooting Sports!

Contact Barry Parks (513-348-4435) if interested.

Barry Parks

Clermont County 4-H Shooting Sports

Lead Coordinator & Shotgun Instructor

Ohio has the largest 4-H Shooting Sports Program in the USA,  Even bigger than Texas!!!

Eastern Hills Rod, Gun & Conservation Club is the host for Clermont County 4-H Shooting Sports.  The multiple ranges offer a unique opportunity to simultaneously teach multiple shooting disciplines.

EHRGCC member Barry Parks is the current leader of Clermont County 4-H Shooting Sports (CC4HSS).  The club been in existence for 16 years.  CC4HSS is a youth development program that teaches life skills through an interest in Shooting and the Outdoors.  4-H Certified Instructors teach each of the following disciplines:  Rifle, Pistol, Archery, Hunting & Wildlife, Shotgun, Living History and Muzzleloader.  Instructors assist with local outreach programs in an effort to attract new shooters and educate members of the community.  The meetings and events provide a unique opportunity to grow support and teach safe shooting / hunting techniques.

Member ages range from 9 - 19.  The club currently has about 50 members with a limit of 75.  There are open slots available!!  Youths must be at least 9 years old and in 3rd Grade as of January 1st to be eligible.  Members “Age Out” on January 1st after they turn 19. 

CC4HSS annual dues are $20 per member.  Members utilize CC4HSS firearms, ammunition, archery equipment, targets & protection equipment.  Grant opportunities allow us to keep costs down for member families. 

CC4HSS Club meetings are held monthly.   Meetings are typically held on the 2nd Sunday each month. Range setup begins at 4:30 PM.  The meeting starts at 5:00 PM and ends about 7:00 PM. 

Each CC4HSS meeting begins with the membership reciting “The Pledge of Allegiance” and “The 4-H Pledge”.  Then the CC4HSS Club President leads member families through the meeting agenda.  Once complete, ranges are opened weather and light permitting.  During the winter months we use Laser Rifle and Laser Pistol Training systems.

CC4HSS has a competitive 3-Position Air Rifle Team.  Team members are taught to shoot 10 Meter Air Rifle, an Olympic Event.  Members learn to shoot from the Prone, Sitting, Kneeling & Standing Positions.  The CC4HSS Air Rifle Team meets from October through March.  Team members have the opportunity to compete at Camp Perry and through mail in “Postal Matches”.

CC4HSS members have an interest in starting more shooting teams.  There are opportunities for youth to compete in Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation Programs.  The Scholastic Clay Target Program for shotgunners and the Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP) for rifle and pistol.  We already have the equipment, ammunition and targets!!  All we need are volunteers to coach CC4HSS members.

Additionally, CC4HSS leadership organizes youth / family hunts.  These hunts have included Deer, Turkey, Dove, Squirrel and Pheasant hunts.  CC4HSS leadership is always on the lookout for ground to hold educational hunting opportunities.  Please reach out if you have property to share and are interested in hosting an event for the “Next Generation”.

This is a unique opportunity for you and or your family to involved!!!  Please call or email Barry Parks for information on membership, volunteering, instructing / coaching. 

Contact Barry Parks

513-348-4435 (Cell Phone) (E-Mail)

Ohio 4H shooting Sports

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Address:  5594 Ansteatt Rd, Batavia, OH 45103

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updated 12-24--2024

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